Wonthaggi Town Hall & Library


Wonthaggi, VIC ∙ Boonwurrung Country

This project was designed, documented and tendered to budget, but was cancelled after a change in local government. The brief specified a renovation and upgrade of an existing heritage hall, as well as various new works: an archive and records store, a public library and several terraces.

In terms of the hall refurbishment, we proposed removal of the existing stage and conversion of the hall’s rear to an outdoor stage, opening onto the new library court. The refurbishment also included access and amenity modifications in line with universal utility, as well as new wall/ceiling linings and audiovisual systems. Restorations were to occur in accord with a conservation management report.

We located the new library building on a paved public plaza, to accommodate the sloping site. The archive and records store were positioned beneath the plaza. North, east and south façades and terraces were shaded by steel-framed verandas. The façades were rhythmic, composed of interspersed solar glass and zinc panels.

On the west boundary stood the library’s concrete perimeter wall. Its roof was a zinc-clad skillion. The curved inflection at the building’s entry, visible in these drawings, sought to provide a public gathering and performance space between the new library and the refurbished hall. It also sought to service spaces beyond the site extents, functioning as a public path that would have linked nearby suburban streets to a laneway, and in turn to the main street.